Character Information
Marital status:single
World:Shinobi Revolution World
Last login:20 October 2024, 7:40 am
Created:9 October 2024, 8:59 pm
Player Health: 248750/198750
Player Mana:254910/158010
Player Level:795
Player Experience:8317714839 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 8311353800 EXP to Level 796.

Level Ninjutsu Attack Speed Throwing Kenjutsu Taijutsu Critical Defence Absorb
795 123 115 10 10 83 10 23 24

17 Oct 2024, 20:07 Killed at level 798 by Protokol Beatris, Xadio, Charanko and by Ninja..
17 Oct 2024, 17:02 Killed at level 801 by Protokol Beatris and by MechNaruto [L]..
17 Oct 2024, 13:48 Killed at level 803 by Tazzy..
17 Oct 2024, 11:15 Killed at level 806 by Protokol Beatris and by Legendary Gajshin..
16 Oct 2024, 20:55 Killed at level 781 by Xadio, Protokol Beatris and by Legendary Gajshin..
16 Oct 2024, 10:36 Killed at level 741 by Protokol Beatris and by Legendary Gajshin..
16 Oct 2024, 06:54 Died at level 737 by Legendary Gajshin and by Protokol Beatris..
15 Oct 2024, 22:14 Killed at level 716 by Protokol Beatris and by Legendary Gajshin..
15 Oct 2024, 14:30 Died at level 677 by MechNaruto [L]..
15 Oct 2024, 13:04 Died at level 679 by Legendary Gajshin and by Protokol Beatris..

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