Character Information
Name:Bobek Idzie Na Kobitki
Marital status:single
World:Shinobi Revolution World
Guild Membership:Godusy of the Skleja Godusow
Last login:15 July 2024, 12:27 am
Created:29 March 2024, 5:58 pm
Player Health: 452500/402500
Player Mana:421010/321010
Player Level:1610
Player Experience:69361885007 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 69295929300 EXP to Level 1611.

Level Ninjutsu Attack Speed Throwing Kenjutsu Taijutsu Critical Defence Absorb
1610 149 121 10 25 134 10 23 24

29 May 2024, 08:25 Killed at level 1616 by Hisashiburidana, Check Mate and by Kira..
29 May 2024, 08:06 Killed at level 1623 by Check Mate and by Kira..
28 May 2024, 08:02 Killed at level 1613 by Kira, Check Mate and by Hisashiburidana..
27 May 2024, 20:31 Killed at level 1610 by Kira, Hisashiburidana and by Check Mate..
26 May 2024, 11:03 Killed at level 1593 by Kira, Check Mate and by Hisashiburidana..
25 May 2024, 16:30 Killed at level 1600 by Hisashiburidana, Kira and by Check Mate..
15 May 2024, 13:01 Died at level 1468 by physical..
12 May 2024, 12:05 Killed at level 1410 by Kira..
11 May 2024, 13:08 Killed at level 1412 by Kira and by Check Mate..
8 May 2024, 12:11 Killed at level 1352 by Kira and by Check Mate..

Account Information
Last login:15 July 2024, 12:27 am
Created:29 March 2024, 5:54 pm
Account Status:Premium Account

1. Bob Idzie Na KurwyShinobi Revolution World5 Uzumaki NarutoOffline
2. Bobek Idzie Na KobitkiShinobi Revolution World1610 Offline
3. BobiShinobi Revolution World200 Offline
4. GdzieShinobi Revolution World5 Uzumaki NarutoOffline
5. KurwoShinobi Revolution World5 Uzumaki NarutoOffline

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