[PL] Wyslij kod i w tytule wpisz nazwe postaci or account number jesli chcesz przyspieszyc proces napisz w grze do [Admin] Etake lub napisz wiadomosc na Fanpage

[ENG] Send code and Enter the title of the or account number if you want speed up that process write in game to [Admin] Etake Or Messenge to Fanpage

10euro - 2000points + 200gratis
20euro - 4000points + 500gratis
30euro - 6000points + 1300gratis
50euro - 10000points + 2000gratis
10PLN - 450points + 50gratis
20PLN - 900points + 200gratis
30PLN - 1500points + 300gratis
50PLN - 2400points + 500gratis
100PLN - 5000points + 1000gratis
150PLN - 7500points + 1500gratis