Character Information
Marital status:single
World:Shinobi Revolution World
Last login:18 October 2024, 10:08 am
Created:9 October 2024, 1:15 pm
Player Health: 202692/200500
Player Mana:259410/159410
Player Level:802
Player Experience:8551587494 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 8533400100 EXP to Level 803.

Level Ninjutsu Attack Speed Throwing Kenjutsu Taijutsu Critical Defence Absorb
802 118 102 10 15 101 62 22 23

18 Oct 2024, 09:59 Killed at level 804 by Tsuchi and by bandit..
16 Oct 2024, 15:07 Killed at level 758 by Michael Scofield..
16 Oct 2024, 13:04 Killed at level 759 by Michael Scofield and by Bloody Shinobi..
16 Oct 2024, 09:48 Died at level 743 by Bloody Shinobi and by Michael Scofield..
15 Oct 2024, 21:57 Killed at level 600 by Perfect and by Legendary Gajshin..
15 Oct 2024, 19:09 Died at level 593 by Swordman..
14 Oct 2024, 17:29 Died at level 515 by Juugo MVP and by Xadio..
14 Oct 2024, 17:01 Died at level 517 by Itachi MVP..
14 Oct 2024, 13:10 Killed at level 507 by Michael Scofield and by Kazekage MVP..
14 Oct 2024, 06:59 Died at level 479 by Biju Chakra..

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